About us
The Westside Church of Christ is a family of believers whom God has brought together from a wide variety of ethnic groups and backgrounds. We are known for our love of God with our heart, soul and our mind and our love of one another.
We welcome you at the Westside Church of Christ. We offer Bible classes for all ages as well as opportunities for fun, fellowship, sharing, working, and growing together as we serve the Lord. We invite you to come join us.
Westside Church of Christ is missional in our approach to reaching out to our community. Westside is intentional in being a multi-ethnic congregation, but also a cross generational congregation. We are a place where you can feel welcomed, and you can feel at home.
We are a group of Christ followers who meet together to proclaim Christ, study his teachings, and are intent on being the people of God in this city. Our hope is to simply let our light shine for the glory, and magnificence of our Lord: whom we believe can transform us and our community.
Mission Statement
At Westside we are committed to always loving and always practicing kindness. We are committed to loving God with our whole being and loving our neighbor as we love our very selves.
Sunday Morning:
Worship Assembly 11:00 AM
Children's Bible Study 11:00 AM
Wednesday Adult Bible Class 7:30 PM
First Sat of every month: Ladies Bible Class
Any additional services will be announced on our notice board and on our website.